480 Swan Street by Charter Hall

Australia Post will move their Melbourne Support Centre to a new Charter Hall building in Burnley, 480 Swan Street, where they will be the lead tenant. As part of the development, Charter Hall engaged Broached Commissions to prepare a public art strategy for the building, and commission a number of public art works. 

Through discussions with Broached Commissions, Charter Hall have identified the opportunity for a number of art commissions, visible from within and outside 480 Swan Street. The following are confirmed and in process:

  • Permanent sculptural commission for the corner of Swan and Burnley Streets
  • Maquette of the permanent sculptural commission for the ground-floor foyer of 480 Swan Street
  • Mural or wall-treatment for the curved wall of the ground-floor foyer of 480 Swan Street
  • End of Trip Windows vinyl treatment, facing Burnley Station, viewable internally and externally