55 Pitt Street by Mirvac

Four artists have been selected to respond to a specific location at Mirvac’s new 55 Pitt Street, Sydney, and invited to conceive a new artwork that considers the contemporary and historical nature of the site. In addition to the celebration of Country, the key tenancy of Telstra and the transformation qualities of telephonic technologies (and other forms of long distance communication), also serve as points of departure for these concepts. The projects range from the monumental to the intimate, and all invite visitors to the building to pause and reflect on place, nature and interpersonal communication.

Danie Mellor and Yhonnie Scarce have each developed projects that celebrate Gadigal Country flora, and reinstate it into the lived experience of place around the Tank Stream, through photographic treatment and sculptural intervention respectively.

Daniel Crooks and Amrita Hepi have each developed projects that use technology to explore ideas of communication and mediation, embedding their works within the fabric of the building. Both artworks are specifically developed to engage a passing, pedestrian audience quickly, leaving an indelible after-image to accompany them on their journey. 

Due for completion in 2026.