Wesley Place by Charter Hall

Wesley Place has a 19th C Neo-Gothic church and grounds at its heart. The task of the public realm was to unify extremely varied forms of architecture. 

Broached worked with Charter Hall and all stakeholders and the entire design team to deliver narrative driven works that related directly to the rich history of the site. The Uniting Church and Charter Hall wanted Reconciliation with the Kulin Nation to be at the heart of the art commissioning. Broached worked with Maree Clarke to deliver several artworks from a Kulin Nation perspective, including a collaborative work with designer Trent Jansen.

150 Lonsdale Street was formerly home to the Bureau of Meteorology, and Broached commissioned Stanislava Pinchuk to crate an interactive data mural on its facade. The work compares daily temperatures to historic norms, layered on the facade of what was once the BoM offices. 

Artworks below by Maree Clarke, Maree Clarke & Trent Jansen, Stanislava Pinchuk, Humans Since 1982.